Don't Panic, Grow Organic: 5 Reasons to Grow Organic Cannabis
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Don't Panic, Grow Organic: 5 Reasons to Grow Organic Cannabis

Do you put much thought into what you're feeding your plants? It could be a results business for you, and you use what you know works. Or is it that we're about to preach to the organic choir? Do you want the ripest tomatoes in town or the most luscious garden greens, or is it those golden colas of cannabis you reap? Either way, combine your skills with nature's offers and keep it natural. Still need to be convinced? ASC is here to feed you why you should grow organic. 

Don't Panic, Grow Organic: 5 Reasons to Grow Organic Cannabis

Health: It's about health, stupid!

What better reason do you need to grow organic than it is the healthiest option? No matter what you produce, from vegetables, fruit and cannabis, avoiding chemicals and harmful pesticides is always best. It keeps your crop clean and safe to consume. 

Flavour and Taste: It's better!

Some growers swear the best thing about growing organic is how much the flavour and taste. Healthy soil and organic nutrients promote biodiversity and contribute to a more complex terpene profile. We know this results in more potent smelling and tasting cannabis and a richer experience for the end user. 


It's pretty simple, this one. Using organic products is more sustainable and better for your environment. With some knowledge, you can help your crop thrive, and the plant's ecosystem will be better for it. 

RespectThe planet

The only reason you need to grow organic is the love and respect of Mother Nature. Why decimate the beautiful gifts she gave us with chemicals and pesticides that are potentially harmful to us and the planet? Organic gardening is about working with nature, not against it. 

The only reason you need to grow organic is the love and respect of Mother Nature. Why decimate the beautiful gifts she gave us with chemicals and pesticides that are potentially harmful to us and the planet? Organic gardening is about working with nature, not against it.

Quality Control: High standards

You've heard 'you are what you eat'; it applies to plants too. By going organic, you're controlling what you give to your plant. Organic products undergo more testing than chemicals and must adhere to stricter regulations. If you're growing for yourself, then growing organic cannabis gives you peace of mind. If you grow to share, then it means you can share your product with confidence.

Knowledge: Is power

The more you know, the better you grow. And by growing organic, you're learning more about plants and their ecosystems. You will learn about companion plants and how best to fight pests. With any luck, growers might expand and grow fruits and vegetables. Going organic could be the next step in the long road to cultivation. 


When it comes to growing cannabis, personal preference is always King or Queen. However, if organic growing is outside your agenda, ensure you use quality-tested products from brands with the best reputation. Our plants are what we feed them, so why not give them the best and be able to say to your friends, 'Don't panic, it's organic.

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